Drivers registered


Raised so far


Toronto Fundraising Goal

$ 7257


Current Toronto Drive Information as of 15 Feb 2025

The current format for Toronto is .

If you are unsure if your bike is appropriate for this event? Click Here

Please note, as information changes, ride details will be available closer to the ride date and subject to a COVID-19 Self Declaration. We will contact all participants in mid-May with all the ride information.

Drive Details

Start City


Finish City



Sunday 29th Sep 2024

Meeting Time




Meet at 14:30

Start Place: Quayle's Brewery, 4567 Line 12 N, Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0

The time and place you will meet all other drivers.

Time between meeting and drive start - 01 hour 00 minutes.

Start engines at 15:30

Start Place: Quayle's Brewery, 4567 Line 12 N, Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0

The time the drive will start.

Route Point 1

Rest/Fuel Stop - 16:45

Drive Finish (Approx 18:00)

Finish Place: Quayle's Brewery, 4567 Line 12 N, Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0

The place where the drive will finish.

View route map

Additional Information


You are cordially invited to join Captain Evan Ezewski, Esq. III for the Toronto edition of the Distinguished Gentleman's Drive.

The DGD is a celebration of classic style. It's a themed drive, uniting classic cars aged 40 years or more, designed to encourage enthusiasts and vintage car owners around the world to dress dapper and drive in support of charity partner, Movember.  

RCLUB is honoured to be organizing the Toronto DGD again this year. 


How It Works

On the same day around the world, thousands of drivers in their classic cars start their engines in their Sunday Best to drive for a great cause. Each local event is organized by passionate volunteers with the united goal of raising funds and awareness for men's health for DGD's charity partner, Movember


To Participate

  1. Two-Part Registration: 
  2. Raise Funds by sharing your profile with friends and family to collect donations and raise awareness for prostate cancer and men's mental health. All proceeds go to DGD's charity partner, Movember. 
  3. Drive Dapper on Sunday, September 29th, registered drivers will dress up in their fanciest period-correct clothing and will follow Captain Evan Ezewski on a scenic drive.



In previous years, DGD accepted only vehicles built on or before December 31, 1979. They have updated the criteria for 2024 and beyond to allow vehicles built up to 1984. This change means that we will be able to welcome new drivers each year, while staying true to a classic style that can only be found with cars that are 40 years or older.  

Vehicle registration is required and approval is managed by the global organizers for DGD. Period-correct replicas are also accepted, along with run-on models in the same shape as their 1984 or older predecessors.


Dress Code

The event is about dressing in your finest attire - this means classic-inspired suits and accessories, with stylish hats, gloves, and polished brogues. Classic style to match your classic machine.



The minimum donation to participate is $50. You can make this donation when you register for the drive at and create your personal profile. Participants are encouraged to work toward the Toronto DGD's overall fundraising goal of $10,000. Of course, mo' money is mo' better for Movember, so make sure your friends and family are supporting you as you motor in classic style!



Quayle's Brewery in Coldwater, Ontario will be our starting point for a meet & greet, light refreshments, and a photo op. Drive Captain Evan Ezewski will take us on a scenic loop that will have us return to Quayle's for a post-drive celebration with food and beverages for purchase. Please plan to bring a designated driver as your co-pilot if you plan to enjoy Quayle's delicious beers! 


Food & Beverage

To expedite service at the post-drive celebration, we will collect food pre-orders in the weeks leading up to the event date. Those who don't pre-order will still be able to order on-site, but longer wait times should be expected. Beverages can be ordered on site.




2:30pm: Arrivals, meet & greet, light refreshments

*Please be sure to arrive by 2:45pm to participate in the photo op and the driver's meeting

3:00pm: Photo op, driver's meeting

3:30pm: Depart for drive

~4:45pm: Rest and fuel stop

6:00pm: Return to Quayle's for post-drive celebration

8:00pm: Event wraps, Quayle's closes for the evening


Audience and Capacity

Drivers can bring as many passengers as fit in their vehicle. 


Registration Deadline

Please register by Monday, September 23rd at noon to meet the restaurant's pre-ordering deadline. 

Toronto Drive Hosts

Julie Westland

Evan Ezewski

Top Drivers Toronto


Evan Ezewski

$1,097 USD


Eric Zondervan

$406 USD


Paul Monaghan

$170 USD