© 2025 The Distinguished Gentleman's Drive. All rights reserved.
Current Santiago Drive Information as of 16 Feb 2025
The current format for Santiago is .
If you are unsure if your bike is appropriate for this event? Click Here
Please note, as information changes, ride details will be available closer to the ride date and subject to a COVID-19 Self Declaration. We will contact all participants in mid-May with all the ride information.This drive has been postponed to a new date below. For more information please log in.
The time and place you will meet all other drivers.
Time between meeting and drive start - 01 hour 00 minutes.
The time the drive will start.
The place where the drive will finish.
Es importante que todas las personas que van a participar del paseo puedan inscribirse y pagar su almuerzo en el punto de destino que es la viña, Viña Mar. Todas las personas que no paguen el almuerzo no van a poder quedarse a pasar ese momento del evento de cierre con todos los participantes. Desde ya, muchas gracias.